New Day - Clean Slate - - Plodding Along
5/11/2015 Wt: 255 (at Rog's)
That scale is 10 pounds lower than mine. Knowing that I am actually weighing 265 on my scale.
Looked over my weight over the past 20 years and see that once I settle in on a weight for a while - say after losing 15 pounds or so, my body clings to that with all it's might - - - so I end up staying there for quite a while. It's like the body makes it it's new set point. This tells me I have to fight hard to get through that leveling off.
Had major back problems after vacuuming the 3 bedrooms and bathrooms. It finally has eased enough to allow me to be functional as of today. Guess vacuuming is off the list for me.
Trying to decide on what I ABSOLUTELY want to take to MKE with me - and to get that packed before the end of the month. Not an easy task.
Till Next Time .....